Last updated on Monday, December 3, 2001 at 10:20 am
  • PS10 has not been graded yet. So do not worry about a zero for that PS.
  • In PS14.7 we are adding solid NaOH not gaseous. also in PS14.3 and PS14.4 there is an error in the formula of the weak base ethyl amine. The correct formula is C2H5NH2
  • The PLE for Monday's class is ready.
  • PS15 is available now.
  • Latest grades are posted. The current class average is 68%.
  • Answers to PS13 are available
  • PS14 is available at the Problem set link.
  • Important table of K's for weak acids and weak bases.
  • The laboratory for next week is a simulation that can be run using a web browser. Go to the laboratory link to get the written activity and the simulation.
  • Checkout this cool movie of water boiling at zero gravity (weightless).
  • New grades are now available (as of 11/19/01). Note that I now have grades for each part of the course: homework, lab and exam. With that information I can predict your final course %. That % is located in the lower left corner of the page. That is what I PREDICT. Check the General Information link on our web site to see what grade is equivalent to the %. If you have any questions e-mail me, or drop by. I'm out of town on Thursday (most), but I'll be around on Friday. Any errors in your grades see your TA.
  • The new grade access form is working. To get your grades you click on our grade link. Your name is the first initial of your first name and your last name as a lowercase string. For example, John Gelder is jgelder. Your password is the SID# that you gave me when you completed the SID form on our web site. If you have any problems send me an e-mail. It is working now but exam grades are not up yet.
  • Dr. Materer has been assisting me with a new Grade display page. The new page will only display your individual grade. To access your grades in CHEM 1515 (when I begin posting) you will need an SID#/Name. So be sure to complete the form on our web site to tell me what your SID is.
  • You should know the cations and anions in Tables 2.3 and 2.5 on pages 67 and 69 in Silberberg.
  • Here is a list of the laboratory sections
  • Lab Section #

    Lab Day





    8:30 pm - 11:20 pm

    Andy McGee



    8:30 pm - 11:20 pm

    Kevin Tran



    12:30 pm - 3:20 pm

    Tyler Johannes



    12:30 pm - 3:20 pm

    Ben Flint



    5:30 pm - 8:20 pm

    Matt Stephens



    8:30 pm - 11:20 pm

    Andy McGee

  • The TA's e-mail addresses are;
  • Andy McGee/Sections 1&6/ , Kevin Tran/Section 2/, Tyler Johannes /Sections 3/, Ben Flint/Section 4/, Matt Stephens/Section 5/
