ES317 will NOT be available for Exam III so new rooms have been obtained. James Graham's and Andrea King's students are not effected by this change.

    TA Section Building &Room
    Tammy 30 NRC207
    Tammy 31 NRC207
    Ludy 33 NRC106
    Ludy 34 NRC106
    Ludy 35 NRC106
    Tammy 37 NRC106
    Tammy 38 PS355
  • I will be out of town on Wednesday, November 12, 1997 visiting the Department of Chemistry at Austin College in Sherman, Texas. I have asked Dr. Rockley to teach class on that date. He is very excited about meeting everyone. What he is talking about is important.

  • There will be a HELP Session on Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 3:30 p.m. in PS141. If you have questions over the next problem set or the sample Exam III please attend.

  • The animations which I have been using in class for Chapter 7 can be accessed via this link.

  • Reminder about PARTS THREE and FOUR in Experiment #7: CONDUCTIVITY: I have told the TAs to announce in laboratory that I expect students to write the formulas (with charge) of all the ions (both cation and anion) that are present in solutions which are identified as strong or weak electrolytes. Clearly there are no ions in the nonelectrolytes, but the strong electrolytes are primarily ions and the weak electrolytes are 3 to 7% ions. You are expected to include in the Tables for PART THREE and FOUR the formulas of those ions which are in the solution you tested. If you have any questions about what is expected contact your TA or me.

  • We have Justin Brooks to thank for generating an Excel spreadsheet which will calculate your current course grade. You enter in your homework, laboratory and exam scores and it will calculate your actual course percent. Just follow the simple instructions. If you have questions send Justin or myself a message. WAY TO GO JUSTIN!

  • HELP Session this week will be on Thursday, November 6th at 7:30 p.m. in PS141. We'll begin with a few equations problems then move on to Chapter 6 and 7 stuff.

  • OK, the latest rumor is either Dr. Gelder or Dr. Purdie will be teaching CHEM 1515.02 next Spring. The final decision of who teaches the section will depend on other factors within the department.

  • I've also added the Exam II KEY for your notes.

  • This space reserved for the link to all of your grades. The scores are sorted by your SIC#.

    Want your SIC#?? better see or e-mail dr. g.

  • While surfing I found this site for information on medical careers. You may have this information already, but I found it interesting.

    Important links for Fall 1997 CHEM 1314

    Here are pdf versions of the problem sets. You will need a version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read/print these files.

    Problem Set #8 (DUE: Monday, 11/3/97)

    Problem Set #8 Grading Information

    Answers to Problem Set #8

    Problem Set #9 (DUE: Monday, 11/10/97)

    Problem Set #9 Grading Information

    Answers to Problem Set #9

    Problem Set #10 (DUE: Monday, 11/17/97)

    Problem Set #10 Grading Information

    Answers to Problem Set #10

    Problem Set #11 (DUE: ?????)

    Problem Set #11 Grading Information

    Answers to Problem Set #11

    Here are the answers to the questions to our first two examination.

    Here are pdf version of this semesters examinations. You may want to print out a version for your review and to be sure you can do the questions.

    Here is the pdf file for sample CHEM 1314 examinations.

    A total of chemistry students have accessed this page.