CHEM 1014 Fall 1999

The class average was a 66.

How do I feel about that? I'd have liked it higher, but it is our first exam and we are getting use to each other.

My recommendation for everyone is to review the In-Class Problem Sets and lecture notes to see where I emphasized material. I think the future exams will be similar in format, length, etc.

Those of you who came to the help session. Did it help? Send me an e-mail testimonial. I'll post it to our Web site.

Several have already asked do I curve my exams. The answer is no. I will be posting your overall grades during the week. I'd like to add in your in-class PS and laboratory scores and see what the average looks like. My ideal, most perfect, life is wonderful average would be 75.

Hang in there. If you are concerned about your performance on the exam/in class please drop by and see me. I will be happy to talk and make some suggestions. If you have concerns, let me know those also.

  • Need some Help with your chemistry? The Chemistry Department offers free tutoring in PS023 (basement of Physical Sciences). Check the Free Tutoring link on the left for the hours. Note that those TA's teaching CHEM 1014 are identified with the blue color. Don't forget my office hours are 2:30 - 3:20 pm on T and R.


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