CHEM 1014 Fall 1999


  • I've added some lecture notes for Chapter 2. If you have any problems accessing some of the multimedia files I have linked to these notes, please contact me and I'll try to help.
  • Our first exam is scheduled for Thursday, September 16, 1999 during class. Be there or be square.
  • Do not forget the out-of-class assignment is due on Thursday, September 9, 1999. Procrastinators, get busy!
  • This Tuesday, September 7, 1999 we will explore the microscopic world of a gas and also discover the liquid that can not make up its mind...hey, do not go there!
  • Need some Help with your chemistry? The Chemistry Department offers free tutoring in PS023 (basement of Physical Sciences). Check the Free Tutoring link on the left for the hours. Note that those TA's teaching CHEM 1014 are identified with the blue color. Don't forget my office hours are 2:30 - 3:20 pm on T and R.
  • Answers to the In-class Problem Set for the week of August 23rd and August 30th are at the ProblemSet link. Check them out. Questions from the in-class problem sets are very likely to appear on our exams.
  • This week in laboratory you will be testing the hardness and softness of water. If you would like to test the water at your house bring a 100 mL sample in a sealed container.
  • I have a rought draft of our first Outside of class assignment. Check it out at the Problem Set link.


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