CHEM 1014 Fall 1999


  • Did anyone in the Monday 8:30 am laboratory section pick up a 1014 textbook, thinking it was theirs and has now discovered they have TWO textbooks? Sara has lost hers and needs it back!! Please contact Dr. G. ASAP if you have Sara's text.
  • I've added the answers to the InClass Problem Set you worked on in laboratory the week of September 7, 1999.
  • Need suggestions for what to do to prepare for our first exam? Try the Exams link on our Web page.
  • HELP !! Session. Tuesday, September 14, 1999, 8:00 pm, PS141. How do I run my HELP Sessions? You must bring questions to ask me and I will answer. I do not come with a list of questions that I plan to do! I will not answer a question like...Dr. G would you make-up a question over gases? I can not do this! You would get upset with me if I made up a question that was not on the exam, and I would have a hard time asking one of the exam questions. If you do not bring questions to the Help Session it is likely to be a big let down. Other students may ask questions over material you already understand. I will not answer the question...How many questions on the exam? So do not ask!
  • Right now there are NO multple choice questions on our exam.
  • In laboratory during the week of September 13, 1999 there will be no in-class Problem Set. You will want to use the time to review questions in preparation for Exam #1 on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 1:30 pm. You will be doing Experiment #5 Acidity and Alkalinity. This is another multi-station experiment. I recommend you review it before attending laboratory. Again, if there are any substances which you have at home which you would like to test in this experiment bring them with you to class. Be sure to talk to your TA before testing. I recommend you bring your calculator and textbook to laboratory.
  • I've added some lecture notes for Chapter 2. If you have any problems accessing some of the multimedia files I have linked to these notes, please contact me and I'll try to help.
  • Our first exam is scheduled for Thursday, September 16, 1999 during class. Be there or be square.
  • Need some Help with your chemistry? The Chemistry Department offers free tutoring in PS023 (basement of Physical Sciences). Check the Free Tutoring link on the left for the hours. Note that those TA's teaching CHEM 1014 are identified with the blue color. Don't forget my office hours are 2:30 - 3:20 pm on T and R.


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