Lecture Notes1: The wave nature of light and the electromagnetic spectrum.
AP Questions
Lecture Notes2: Bohr model of the hydrogen atom
Lecture Notes3: Quantum model of the hydrogen atom
http://itl.chem.ufl.edu/4412_aa/radwfct.html (Radial Part of the Wavefunction)
http://www.dartmouth.edu/artsci/chem/introchem/chem10.html and http://www.dartmouth.edu/artsci/chem/introchem/pp.html (lecture notes on atomic structure)
http://www.orbitals.com/orb/index.html Very cool models of atomic orbitals, includes n and l values greater than 4. http://www.carleton.ca/~rburk/chem100/on_line_tuts/orbitals/atomic.htm Atomic orbitals that can be rotated, approximates a probability distribution
http://www.mpcfaculty.net/mark_bishop/Chemistry_1A.htm Has some nice lecture notes for an AP Type course.
http://www.mpcfaculty.net/mark_bishop/Chemistry_1A.htm#Chapter Links Here are some nice materials
Lecture1: Shielding Effects and Slater's Rules for determinations of Effective Nuclear Charge
Here are some nice 3D versions of the hydrogen-like atomic orbitals.
Lecture2: Electron Configurations
LectureNotes on atomic radii, ionization energy, ionic radii and electron affinity (Fall 2000)
Lecture3: Ionization Energy Trends
ShockWave Document
Ionization Energy Trends for the Second Period
Lecture4: Atomic Radii Trends
Lecture5: Electron Affinity
AP Questions
Lecture1: Ionic bonding, lattice energy and ionic radii
Lecture2: Covalent bonding and electronegativity
Lecture3: Lewis structures
http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/webmo/mointro.html (Lewis structure, bond angle and bond length data for many simple compounds)
Lecture4: VSEPR Model
Lecture2: Introduction to Intermolecular Attractive Forces (Class)
Lecture3: Introduction to Vapor Pressure of Liquids
Lecture4: Introduction to Solids
Lecture1: Introduction to Colligative Properties
Lecture2: Introduction to Chemical Kinetics
AP Questions
Lecture3: Arrhenius Equation and Mechanisms
Lecture4: Introduction to Equilibrium