Preface - General Instructions
AP Chemistry by Satellite
Student Edition
![]() |
John I. Gelder |
Arts and Sciences Teleconferencing Service
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma
12. | Properties of Solutions |
13. | Chemical Kinetics |
14. | Chemical Equilibrium |
15. | Acid - Base Equilibria |
16. | Equilibria in Aqueous Solution |
17. | Chemical Thermodynamics |
18. | Oxidation and Reduction |
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under grant No. MDA-87551528. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendadions expressed in this publication are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Any mention of trade names does not imply endorsement by the National Science
This book was originally designed for use with AP Chemistry by Satellite, a telecommunication course formerly produced by the Arts and Sciences Teleconferencing Service (ASTS) at Oklahoma State University. It has been revised to be of use to AP Chemistry instructors and students without the televised portion of the satellite course. This book is a guide to the AP Chemistry curriculum recommended by the College Board, as taught in AP Chemistry by Satellite. Together with the AP Chemistry by Satellite Laboratory Manual, also available for purchase from ASTS, the Lectureguide provides a foundation for a successful AP Chemistry program.
The Lectureguide is published in two volumes. Part I contains the first eleven chapters and Part II the remaining seven. In general, Part I is a review of a typical high school chemistry course. If you have already completed a year of high school chemistry, the topics will be familiar to you. Part I can usually be completed during the fall semester. Part II concentrates on more advanced concepts that may not have been introduced in your regular high school course. The concepts are abstract and highly mathematical and will require more time and more practice with problem solving.
This book can be used in a number of ways. Your instructor will tell you how you are expected to use your Lectureguide. In AP Chemistry by Satellite, the Lectureguide was truly the back-bone of the course. It served to let the teaching partners and students know exactly what material would be covered in each telecast and what was expected in the way of homework and when that work should be completed. It assisted the students in note taking during lecture by focusing attention on the important points of each lecture. It provided concrete learning objectives for each exercise. It also focused the attention of the instructor on the important topics to be discussed in each telecast so that time was used more effectively and distractions and "side topics" were minimized. Your teacher may use the Lectureguide in exactly this way. Alternatively, the Lectureguide can serve as an extra study and review resource.
Each chapter is divided into several lessons. A lesson represents the amount of material that can be covered in a 45 - 50 minute lecture or lecture/demonstration. After 2 to 4 lessons, a set of not more than 10 related problems is found. These problem sets were used in AP Chemistry by Satellite as graded homework assignments. They are printed on colored paper for easy identification. Your teacher may assign these problem sets as homework to be graded. At the end of each chapter is a list of supplementary computer programs that can be used as tutorials. Ask your teacher if any of this software is available at your school.
There are 90 lessons and 33 problem sets included in the two volumes of the Lectureguide. We recommend that you cover three lessons and one problem set each week. Homework assignments and due dates will be set by your teacher. Each lesson lists problems from the associated set that you should be able to solve after completing all of the exercises in the lesson. Spend some time after each lecture working on these problems. Do not wait until the night before a problem set is due before your start working! While you may be able to get by during the fall semester, in the spring you will find that the problem sets are longer and more complex. It will be difficult or impossible to complete them in one evening. The schedule for AP Chemistry is likely to be more intense than for any high school class you have taken in the past. In order to cover the majority of the material suggested by the College Board for AP Chemistry (and included on the AP Exam) this kind of pacing will be required. Remember, however, that AP Chemistry is a college course. You should plan to spend at least 1 hour outside class time every day studying chemistry and working problems if you want to do well in this course. In
addition your teacher may schedule evening laboratory sessions. Your success in AP Chemistry will depend largely on the time and effort that you devote to learning the subject matter. Much more of the responsibility for learning will be placed on you than in an ordinary high school class. If you are willing to accept the challenge and put forth the necessary effort, an AP Chemistry class can be an extremely rewarding experience.
Each chapter of the Lectureguide begins with a list of objectives. This list identifies the key ideas to be learned in the chapter. Each objective corresponds to the same numbered exercise in the Lectureguide body. Following the objectives is a box containing a list of lesson numbers, the page number identifying the location of the beginning of the lesson in the Lectureguide chapter, and the objectives covered. The box also lists the location of the problem set(s) for the chapter and the objectives included in each problem set. The information contained within this box on this first page of each chapter provides a quick reference to the number of lessons scheduled for a chapter and the number of problem sets included.
Each lesson within a chapter begins with a box containing information regarding what you should do before, during and after a lecture. Although the AP Chemistry by Satellite Lectureguide and Laboratory Manual are very complete, a good textbook is invaluable in an AP Chemistry course. If your teacher is using the Lectureguide as a course outline, your teacher will give you a reading assignment to be completed prior to each lecture. A space has been provided at the beginning of each lesson for you to record your reading assignments. If you are using the Lectureguide on your own for extra practice, you can locate your own reading assignments for each lesson by matching the objectives listed for each lesson with the section topics in the table of contents of your textbook. During the lecture you will receive enough information to answer most of the exercises. The left-hand page can be used to record other important notes during the lectures. Answers to the exercises may be provided in lecture either directly or indirectly. Some of the exercises include sample problems that will be solved during the lecture. These sample problems are representative of the types of problems included in the problem sets. Work space is provided for each exercise and sample problem. Following the lecture students are expected to complete any exercises not completed during the lecture using information from the lecture, textbook, or other resources. Problems in the problem set relating to the lecture are also referenced so that students may work on the set following each lesson, not just on the evening before the set is to be handed in. Please note that many of the problem sets, especially those in Part II are too long and complex for most students to complete in one evening.
During the AP Chemistry by Satellite telecasts, the instructors used a number of live demonstrations, video disk images and animated computer graphics sequences. Many of these are referred to explicitly in exercises in the Lectureguide. In the instructor's edition a reference is given so that your instructor can include the demonstration, video or computer graphics, if he or she chooses. You may be asked to disregard certain exercises if your instructor chooses not to include a particular demonstration.
You will find two appendices in your Lectureguide. Appendix I contains sample exams used in AP Chemistry by Satellite. The student Lectureguide has the exam questions only and the instructor's edition has the answer key as well, so you can check your work. The second appendix contains information about the AP Examination offered by the College Board each May. It includes such information as a description of the exam format, the style of questions used, the frequency of questioning on specific topics, strategies for preparing for the exam, and information on how the exam is graded. The instructor and student versions of Appendix II are identical.
Chemistry is a diverse and fascinating subject. AP Chemistry gives students an opportunity to begin to investigate the theories, models and procedures associated with this area of science, while at the same time working toward earning college credit. It is the hope of the authors that the AP Chemistry by Satellite that these materials will encourage and inspire students toward careers in science and will give them the tools they need to succeed in their chosen field at any college or university.