AP Institute for AP Chemistry Teachers

Atomic Structure and Quantum Theory

Lecture Notes1: The wave nature of light and the electromagnetic spectrum.

AP Questions

Lecture Notes2: Bohr model of the hydrogen atom

Lecture Notes3: Quantum model of the hydrogen atom

http://itl.chem.ufl.edu/4412_aa/radwfct.html (Radial Part of the Wavefunction)

http://www.dartmouth.edu/artsci/chem/introchem/chem10.html and http://www.dartmouth.edu/artsci/chem/introchem/pp.html (lecture notes on atomic structure)

http://www.orbitals.com/orb/index.html Very cool models of atomic orbitals, includes n and l values greater than 4. http://www.carleton.ca/~rburk/chem100/on_line_tuts/orbitals/atomic.htm Atomic orbitals that can be rotated, approximates a probability distribution

http://www.mpcfaculty.net/mark_bishop/Chemistry_1A.htm Has some nice lecture notes for an AP Type course.

http://www.mpcfaculty.net/mark_bishop/Chemistry_1A.htm#Chapter Links Here are some nice materials


Lecture1: Shielding Effects and Slater's Rules for determinations of Effective Nuclear Charge

Here are some nice 3D versions of the hydrogen-like atomic orbitals.

Lecture2: Electron Configurations

LectureNotes on atomic radii, ionization energy, ionic radii and electron affinity (Fall 2000)

Lecture3: Ionization Energy Trends

ShockWave Document

Ionization Energy Trends for the Second Period

Lecture4: Atomic Radii Trends

Lecture5: Electron Affinity


AP Questions

Lecture1: Ionic bonding, lattice energy and ionic radii

Lecture2: Covalent bonding and electronegativity

Lecture3: Lewis structures

http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/webmo/mointro.html (Lewis structure, bond angle and bond length data for many simple compounds)

Lecture4: VSEPR Model



States of Matter: Intermolecular Attractive Forces

Lecture2: Introduction to Intermolecular Attractive Forces (Class)

Lecture3: Introduction to Vapor Pressure of Liquids

Lecture4: Introduction to Solids

Some other stuff

Lecture1: Introduction to Colligative Properties

Lecture2: Introduction to Chemical Kinetics

AP Questions

Lecture3: Arrhenius Equation and Mechanisms

Lecture4: Introduction to Equilibrium

Additional materials for the AP teacher....

Here is a list of 90 lectures for a typical AP Chemistry class. I have used brief descriptions for each lecture

For a much more detailed document review the AP LectureGuide. This document consists of chapters which roughly follow the textbook by Brown, Lemay and Bursten. Each chapter is made up of a list of objectives. Each objective has a corresponding activity/question/problem students are to do to learn the concept. Each chapter contains problem sets for the students to do to learn the material. Information is also provided as to how many lectures to spend on the material and what material to cover during each lecture. This document is only the student version of the lectureguide. The teaching partner's (AP teacher) version contains answers to every activity and all the problem sets. The teaching partner's version, along with all of the student materials and a collection of animations (Chemistry Animations) are available from;

Synaps Chem Tools

7441 N. Hampton Rd.

Lincoln, NE 68506


At Oklahoma State University I teach introductory chemistry. The following are Web sites for course which cover the same content covered in an AP chemistry course. Understand these are two years old and have not been updated recently. I have been teaching a diiferent sequence lately. However, there are still useful features of these web site. In particular there are examinations, problem sets and lecture notes which you may find useful.


Laboratory materials....

The following experiments are from the laboratory component of my AP course.

Here are a useful set of laboratory techniques you may find helpful. These are available from the University of Wisconsin.