CHEM 1014 Fall 1999


Answers to the first three exams will be posted here soon!

Here is a copy of the blank Exam #1 in .pdf format. Answers

Here is a copy of the blank Exam #2 in .pdf format. Answers

Here is a copy of the blank Exam #3 in .pdf format. Answers

Material the Final will cover...

For material on the Final since Exam #3..

I may add some additional suggestions over the next few days, so when you are visitng the Web site stop here and check for changes...I'll add them this sentence and the review list for exam #3.

Material Exam #3 will cover...


Exam #2 is scheduled for Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 1:30 pm in PS141. Bring a calculator and a sharpened pencil (or two). I will provide you with an exam. All work will be done on the exam. If you bring a backpack to the exam I will ask you to place it at the front of the room.

Material Exam #2 will cover; (I think this a relative complete list, but I may add somethings on Wednesday so check here again.)



Exam #1 is scheduled for Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 1:30 pm in PS141. Bring a calculator and a sharpened pencil (or two). I will provide you with an exam. All work will be done on the exam. If you bring a backpack to the exam I will ask you to place it at the front of the room.

Material Exam #1 will cover;

Suggestions for preparing for this exam using the textbook:

Key Terms

Problems and Questions (located on pages 43 and 44)

Critical Thinking Problems (located on pages 44 and 45)

What will the exam look like? There may be some multiple choice questions, but the majority of the questions should be something like those questions we have been doing on the in-class problem sets and discussing in lecture. You should we able to use your calculator to do the simple calculations we have been doing in the in-class problem sets. Short answer and essay type questions are very likely. While some of the questions on the exam may be similar to questions you have done on in-class problem sets or discussed in lecture, some of the questions on the exam will be completely different. However, the questions will cover the material we have been discussing, they may be worded differently so I can assess your understanding of the material. Finally, if you have any questions as you prepare for Exam #1, drop by and visit me in my office, send me an e-mail, call me (47005), ask your TA during discussion, visit the Tutorial Center, or ask another student in class. Do not forget the lecture notes and the answers to the InClass Problem Sets that are available on our Web site.




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