Some of Dr. Gelder's Most Useful Animations

The following animations were used during the discussion of atomic structure and periodicity.

Atomic structure: introductory lecture notes.

Bohr model: an animation showing the the Bohr model and the postulates Bohr used to develop the model. Here are some lecture notes that I use when discussing the Bohr model.

Electron configurations: filling the energy level/orbital diagram

Ionization energy: defining ionization energy and shows first ionization energies for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th period elements, and several ionization energies for Na, Mg, Al, Si and P.

Atomic radii: shows the atomic radii for the main group elements.

Periodicity: here are lecture notes that I use to discuss periodicity. These notes develop the ideals of effective nuclear charge and shielding.


The following animations were used during the discussion of bonding.

Ionic bonding: lecture notes discussing ionic bonding, Born-Haber cycle and lattice energy trends (strengths of ionic bonds). There are some graphics/animations in these notes that I did not use in our discussion but you may find useful.

Covalent bonding: lecture notes on covalent bonding and electronegativity, and Lewis structures.

VSEPR: lecture notes introducing VSEPR. These notes include some animations. The Chime based animations require a plug-in that you will have to have. The plug-in is free and the link is included in the notes.

Intermolecular attractive Forces: lecture notes and animations on London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces and hydrogen-bonding. The London dispersion forces animations is particularly nice.