Last updated on Wednesday, September 4, 2002 at 3:20 pm

  • Help Sessions:
  • Wednesday, September 4, 2002: PS141: 8:15 pm

    Monday, September 9, 2002: ES317: 8:00 pm

  • Do you have a CHEM 1314 Lab Manual and having trouble locating one in the Bookstore? See Glenda in PS107 she can hook you up.
  • You can access some reactions of the alkali metals that might be helpful for PS2.1c on our web site at this link. Remember the username and password I gave you in class.
  • PLE#6 is now available.
  • I will be in Norman all day on Tuesday. E-mail me if you have questions, or send them to the forum.

    VERY IMPORTANT! For our first exam only calculators with single line displays will be allowed. I may ease this requirement for subsequent exams.

  • Remember this week students attend laboratory Tuesday through Friday. Monday students do not have lab this week. Monday students will do their lab during the week of Fall Break.
  • The Forum is getting used, with some excellent comments and observations. This is a great way to share information.
  • You need to memorize Tables 2.4 (p 58) and Table 2.5 (p 59).
  • Answers to PS#1 and ICE#2 are now available at the Problem Set link.
  • I've added a new link titled Forums to our web site. This is a place for CHEM 1314 students in our section to post questions, comments, etc. If you are looking for study partners, have questions about homework, wonder who knows what the names of the common 20 elements are...this may be the place to find out. Check out the forum, start a new thread. I'll check it and when there are questions I can answer I will.
  • Over the Labor Day break you might check out the link to the web site for our textbook (BLB). The link is near the top of the left frame on our web site. Clicking on the link will take you to a page with an image of our textbook. Near the top of the page is a dropdown menu listing the Chapters in the text. Select a chapter and a page will be loaded for that chapter that contains links to resources. If you would like some practice problems try the Problem Soving Center. When the Problem Center page is load scroll down to the red button under flexible questions. Select the Homework link. This will generate a set of questions from the chapter. You will need a calculator.
  • Check the database link for a periodic table that shows you the phase of every element.
  • I've added a link to the Brown/LeMay/Bursten Web Site run by Prentice-Hall. There are multiple choice 'quizzes' there that you can take to see how well you understand many of the concepts we have covered in Chapter 1. You should also not that at least one of the movies we viewed in class on Wednesday was from this site. That movie (the reaction of iron and sulfur) is also located on the CD that came in your textbook. There are some additional resources at the web site and on the CD that you may find useful.

  • So our first lecture down. As you can see I did not cover everything in class that were in the lecture notes. That is likely to continue to happen. I will still hold you responsible for the material in the lecture notes. If you have questions over content covered in the lecture notes that I did not (or you think I'd not) cover during lecture you are welcome to drop by and visit me or send an e-mail. Sometimes I will discuss the missed material in the next lecture, sometimes I'll simply tell you to review the material in the notes and the textbook and see me if you have questions.

  • I've set my office hours for this semester for 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm M, W and F. Also, if my door is open you are welcome to walk in and ask a question. I will also make appointments.

  • Here is a very nice Periodic Table that contains lots of physical properties and chemical properties for the elements.

  • In order to post grade information (scores on problem sets, laboratory's and exams) I need your permission. Go the SID#/Name link and enter a number, name or combination unique to you. I will post grade information using your SID# or SIDName. You do not HAVE to have an SID#/Name if you do not want to. There are some additional questions that I would like you to answer for some EXTRA CREDIT.

  • Be sure to bring your textbook and a calculator to laboratory this week! Yes! Labs are meeting this week.

  • Start memorizing..avoid the rush!
  • Things to memorize;

    names and symbols of the first 20 elements and 20 common elements;
    the formula and phase of all of the elements in the periodic table;
    the common prefixes for SI units;

  • Our TAs for this semester (as of Monday, August 19, 2002) are;

  • Section 3:

    Andy Wang (Sections 19, 24 and 29);
    Cory Pfeiffer(Sections 20, 22, 26, and 28);
    Shayne Cole(Section 21);

    Adrianna Morcada (Sections 23, 25 and 27):

    ----Previous Announcements----

    Wednesday, September 4, 2002

    Friday, August 30, 2002

    Wednesday, August 28, 2002

    Monday, August 26, 2002

    Friday, August 23, 2002

    Wednesday, August 21, 2002

    Monday, August 19, 2002