
Inorganic Nomenclature
Random Formula
Random Name
Random Overall
List of Formulas
List of Names

Help Buttons
Nomenclature Rules
Polyatomic Ions
Periodic Table

Inorganic Nomenclature consists of is a series of multiple-choice questions on naming compounds and writing formulas.

To select the type of question you wish to answer, click one of the items in the top portion of the menu on the left:

· Random Formula selects a chemical formula at random and asks you to identify the name of the compound.
· Random Name selects a chemical name at random and asks you to identify the chemical formula of the compound.
· Random Overall selects from both types of questions at random.
You can also click List of Formulas or List of Names to see the list of available compounds and select the one you wish to work with.

On a question page, first determine what you think is the correct answer by working with a pencil and paper, and then select your answer from the list by clicking it. If you are correct, you will be congratulated. If you are not correct, a hint will be provided to help you select the correct answer.

Additional help is available by clicking items in the lower portion of the menu on the left:
· Instructions returns to this page for general instructions.
· Nomenclature Rules shows general rules for naming inorganic compounds.
· Polyatomic Ions shows the names of several common polyatomic ions.
· Periodic Table shows the periodic table.
The Nomenclature Rules, Polyatomic Ions, and Periodic Table pages each open in a new browser window so that you can easily move back and forth between the help page and the question page. If your computer’s monitor is large enough, you can move the browser windows side-by-side by clicking and dragging the title bars so that you can see them both at the same time. When you have finished using a help page, close the second window.