Scores and Grade Prediction

November 26, 2000

MOST IMPORTANT: I'm confident these calculations are correct. However, I've made errors in the past it could happen again. To be absolutely positive the numbers I'm reporting are correct you must check the calculation for your individual case to verify the correctness of my calculations.

Grade prediction is just that, a prediction. This prediction is determined by subtracting from the points out of 900 for each grade

For an A 900 * 0.85 = 765

For a B 900 * 0.75 = 675

For a C 900 * 0.55 = 495

For a D 900 * 0.40 = 360

the number of points out of 200 for homework and laboratory.

For an A : 765 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200

For a B : 675 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200

For a C : 495 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200

For a D : 360 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200

The numbers I am using for homework and laboratory are calculated by adding together all the values for the homework and laboratory grades that have been reported to me and dividing each of those numbers by the total points possible. That gives me a decimal number (which if multiplied by 100 would be your percent performance in homework or laboratory) that is multiplied by 200 (the number of points out of 900 that homework and laboratory each count.) Go here for a sample calculation.

After subtracting the homework and laboratory points from the number of points for a particular grade, those are the points that must be earned on the exams for that grade. Since you have already taken three exams I can subtract those scores from that number. That leaves the number of points you must earn on Exam IV and the Final to earn that grade.

For an A : 765 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For a B : 675 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For a C : 495 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For a D : 360 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

That is the number that appears in the column headed by the letter grades;










If the number exceeds 200 points (the maximum you can earn from Exam IV and the Final) that means if you actually end up earning the number of points I have predicted you will earn from homework and laboratory, that it will not be possible to earn that grade. However, remember my prediction was determined without dropping the three lowest homework or the two lowest laboratory scores. It is likely that when those low scores are dropped that number of points you will need to earn on Exam IV and the Final will drop. Now how many points can the average student expect to pick up after dropping, that depends on the scores dropped. Each student should do their individual calculation to ascertain the exact points.

If the number for a particular grade is negative that means if you actually end up earning the number of points I have predicted you will earn from homework and laboratory, that it will not be possible to earn that grade. Again the same qualifier must be applied as applied in the description of the case above (the grade exceeds 200 points).

Here is a sample calculation in its gory detail.

SID# HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4 HW5 HW6 LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 EX1 EX2 EX3 Course % A B C A
Student 'A' 8 10 10 11 8 7 13 8 12 14 15 75 80 80 78 %

For Student 'A'

Homework: (Sum of student scores/Total possible)*200 = HW #

Laboratory:: (Sum of student scores/Total possible)*200 = LB #

Exams: (Sum of student scores/Total possible)*500 = EX #

Course %: (HW # + LB # + EX #)/900

For Student 'A' these values are;

Homework: (54/72)*200 = HW # = 150

Laboratory: (62/75)*200 = LB # = 165.3

Exams: (235/300)*500 = EX # = 392

Course %: (150 + 165.3 + 392)/900 = 78.6%

Now predicting points to be earned on Exam IV and the Final

SID# HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4 HW5 HW6 LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 EX1 EX2 EX3 Course % A B C D
Student 'A' 8 10 10 11 8 7 13 8 12 14 15 75 80 80 78 % 215 125 -55 -190

For an A : 765 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For an A : 765 - 150 - 165 - 235 = 215 pts

For a B : 675 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For a B : 675 - 150 - 165 - 235 = 125 pts

For a C : 495 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For a C : 495 - 150 - 165 - 235 = -55 pts

For a D : 360 - HW points out of 200 - LB points out of 200 - Exam I - III scores

For a D : 360 - 150 - 165 - 235 = -190 pts

Finally, you may notice that students with the same course % need to earn different numebrs of points for a particular grade. This is due to the different number of points earned in homework, laboratory and exams by these students. Those differences translate to different numbers in the grade prediction.

Grades and predictions as of Sunday, November 26, 2000.

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If your SID begins with the letter A through and including J, go here...

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