Sample calculation:
Here is an example; suppose the TA for Student A has report 12 homework scores.
When I total the 12 homework scores I get 108 points earned by the student.
Dividing the 108 by 144 then multiplying that decimal by 200 gives 150 points.
THe 150 points is what I predict the student will earn at the end of the semester
assuming his/her performance continues at the same level for the outstanding
homework scores. It must be noted that I have not dropped ANY homework or laboratory
scores for this prediction. This means that for some students the numbers will
change. In the most cases the number out of 200 points will go up when I drop
the lowest scores. For some of you the number will not change. Whether it changes
or not depends on the value of the homework or laboratory being dropped. If
the value is on the same level as your average score do not expect a change.
If the score dropped is less than your average score expect the number of points
out of 200 to go up.