Chemical Bonding: Intermolecular and Intramolecular

Recent AP Questions on Intermolecular and/or Intramolecular Attractive Forces

AP Questions

Learning Objectives

Set #1

Set #2

Background Concepts

Electronegativity(lecture notes)

Lewis structures (lecture notes)

Ionic compounds (lecture notes)

lattice energy lecture notes

lattice energy dependence on size of the ion

lattice energy dependence on charge of the ion

Covalent compounds (lecture notes : bond energy table)


Bond polarity


Useful Animations

Introduction to Intermolecular Attractive Forces

an inclass activity to draw Lewis structures and predict polarity

Intermolecular Attractive Forces

Dispersion forces

Polarizability table

lecture notes

Dipole-dipole forces

Hydrogen-bonding forces (boiling point plot)

lecture notes

pre-lecture exploration (expert response)

Intramolecular Attractive Forces

Extended covalent

diamond, graphite, quartz

Ion-dipole forces

anion-dipole force

cation-dipole force

Solid State Animations

Simple Cubic structure build and rotate

Dissolve the layer structure to show a simple cubic cell

Simple cubic cell

Build up the crystal from the unit cells

Show simple cubic cell from built crystal

Body-centered cubic structure build

Dissolve the layer structure to show a body-centered cubic cell

Body centered cube

Body centered cubic unit cell

Face-centered cubic structure build

Face-centered cube rotate

Dissolve the layer structure to show a face-centered cubic cell

Face-centered cubic cell

Face-centered cubic unit cell

Sample Assessment

Questions from Problem Set

PS (Answers)

Questions from Exams

Chemical Bonding: Intermolecular and Intramolecular Handout