The courses I teach contain useful resources for students and teachers. Besides lecture notes, sample exams, and sample problem sets my most recent courses are all available as podcasts. Check out these pages for examples of what a course web site might contain.
MoLE: Molecular Level Experiments in Chemistry are a series of JAVA simulations that will play through your Web browser. The project is a collaboration with Dr. Michael Abraham at the University of Oklahoma. With the assistance of a very talented student programmer, Mr. Kirk Haines, we are developing a series of six computer-based molecular laboratory experiments and their parallel hands-on laboratory experiments around the content areas of: ideal gases (kinetic molecular theory laboratory activity/simulation), chemical equilibrium (Summer 2001), kinetics (collision theory and mechanisms), phase equilibria, solution process and atomic structure. These topics were chosen because they especially lend themselves to modeling using interactive computer graphics and to integrating the three levels of chemical understanding (particulate, sensory, and symbolic).We have recently submitted a proposal to the National Science Foundation for funding to do this project. Faculty interested in our project are encouraged to contact either Michael or myself for more information.
REALVideo: This link contains a talk I gave at the 218th American Chemical Society Meeting in New Orleans on Wednesday, August 25, 1999. It contains links to an interactive example of how Real video, SMIL and Net Cloak are used to provide interactive, sychronized media streams. There is also a link to recent examples of a CHEM 1215 Help Session using Real video and SMIL.
Howard Hughes: This list some links for a presentation I gave titled 'Interactive Web-based Tutorials for Introductory Chemistry' on March 23, 2000. It contains several links to resources using a variety of different plug-ins to provide a demonstration of different types of interactivity available on the WWW.
Streaming Digital Video Project:As a result of funding from the Howard Hughes Faculty Initiative Program at OSU I have all of my introductory chemistry lectures streamed from an OSX QuickTime video server. Using Flash, interactivity has been added to each of the digital video files. The streaming video is available at the CHEM 1314 (F00), CHEM 1515 (Sp01) and CHEM 1515 (F01) course web sites.
Real Video and SMIL Project: This is a link to a presentation I gave titled 'Using SMIL to Enhance an Introductory Chemistry Web Site' at the American Chemical Society's Pan American Conference for Undergraduates, on July 1, 2000 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It contains links to my most recent work using Real/SMIL and Flash/QuickTime to deliver interactive streaming digital video. Please note the Spanish version of this talk was translated by a computer, not by a Spanish speaking person so it likely contains errors in grammer and work selection.
MGH Electronic Project is not accessible at this time. For more information please contact me directly.