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Give me some responses to the questions below and I'll give you some extra credit.
Laboratory Section:
1. Describe the 'activity' in the Gas Sample Region.
2. What is your estimate of the percent of total space occupied by the gas particles compared to the volume of the container. Explain.
3. Decsribe what happens when the particles collide with each other and collide with the wall. Discuss any difference when the particles collide with each other compared to when the particles collide with the walls of the container.
4. What factors cause a change in the speed of a gas particle at a particular temperature?
5. What behavior would you expect to see among the gas particles if they experience attractions or replusions to each other. Do you see such evidence in the Gas Sample Region?
6. Describe the 'activity' in the Gas Sample Region as the temperature is increased. Explain the change you observe.
7. Add some Ne particles to the gas sample. Describe any differences you see in the behavior of the two different gases. How do you account for these differences.
8. Is there anything about the questions that you feel you do not understand? List your concerns/questions.
(NOTE: Be sure to print out the next page that summarizes all your responses and bring it with you to class .)