In the movies below we will explore the solution process at the macroscopic level. Answer the questions at the appropriate point for each movie. Clicking in the movie window will start the movie.

Important do not press the enter key or the Return key while you are answering these questions. Your Browser will interpret either key the same as clicking the mouse on the Submit button. So BE CAREFUL!

Give me some responses to the questions below and I'll give you some extra credit.


Laboratory Section:

1. Below are two movies (#1 and #2) watch each one and describe what you observe happening. In your description use terms like solid, liquid, solute, solvent, heterogeneous mixture, and homogeneous mixture.

movie #1

movie #2

2. For the following three substances indicate whether each is polar or nonpolar, and the type of intermolecular attractive force(s) (IMAF) that occur.





hexane, C6H14

water, H2O

carbon tetrachloride, CCl4

3. In movie #3 water is added to a sample of carbon tetrachloride that has a colored substance already dissolved in it. Describe what you observe happening in your description use terms like liquid, heterogeneous mixture, and homogeneous mixture.


movie #3



4. In movie #4 hexane is added to a sample of carbon tetrachloride that has a colored substance already dissolved in it. Describe what you observe happening in your description use terms like liquid, heterogeneous mixture, and homogeneous mixture.

movie #4


5. All three liquids are present in this video, and they are mixed. can you explain what happens?

movie #5


6. Is there anything about this PLE that you feel you do not understand? List your concerns/questions.