In the solid phase atoms, ions or molecules are arranged in a very organized fashion. In class we will explore three structures frequently encountered in solids. In this PLE we will look at the simplest of these three structures.

There are several animations on this PLE so it may take a moment to completely load....sorry.

Important do not press the enter key or the Return key while you are answering these questions. Your Browser will interpret either key the same as clicking the mouse on the Submit button. So BE CAREFUL!

Give me some responses to the questions below and I'll give you some extra credit.


Laboratory Section:

1. For the following animation use the terms atoms and layers to describe what you see. (Note: Clicking on the 'Rotate'/'Pause' button in the animation below will allow the other animations to load and play more smoothly.)

2. In the next animation the structure shown above is 'reduced' to a more basic structure. How many atoms do you see and what shape are the atoms in?

3. In this next animation, the animation in Q2 is 'modified'. How many of atoms do you see within the structure? Hint: You should see there are 'parts' of an atom, how many parts do you see, and how many atoms do you get adding the parts up?

4. What do you see in the following animation. Hint: this is a model of an ionic compound.

5. Is there anything about these animations that you feel you do not understand? List your concerns/questions.