2001 HHMI Undergraduate Education Program Faculty Award
Progress Report
Dr. John I. Gelder, Chemistry
Molecular Level Laboratory Experiment: Chemical Equilibrium
Integration of Flash with Digital Video: Interactive Problem
My 2001 - 2002 HHMI Undergraduate Education Program Faculty Award consisted
of two parts: the development of a Molecular Level Simulation of an Equilibrium
Reaction and the development of Flash/digital video interactive problems. The
molecular Level Simulation of an equilibrium reaction is moving along very nicely.
The simulation was used during the Spring 2002 in three PreLecture Explorations.
A PLE is an activity student do prior to lecture. The activity consists of between
4 and 10 questions centered around a particular concept. Generally students
have not discussed the particular ideas covered in the PLE. The responses to
the questions are recorded and saved for my review before lecture. I can determine
misconceptions and overall understanding of the concept(s) covered in the PLE
from the student responses. Additionally students can ask questions and indicate
where their understanding is weak. From these comments and questions I can focus
attention during the lecture.
Current version of the Flash with Digital Video