Module developed by Royace Aikin, Daniel Kallus, and Russell D. Larsen, the Texas Team.
Boorse, H.A., & Motz, L. (Eds.). (1966). The world of the atom, Vols. 1 & 2. New York: Basic Books, Inc.
All you ever wanted to know about the atom and more. An excellent resource for historical information and reprints of all or parts of original papers by "giants" who developed our current understanding of the structure of matter.
Campbell, J.A. (1978). Chemistry: The unending frontier. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear.
Chemistry is presented in an unusual and interesting fashion. Some of the information, particularly statistical data, is dated, but the chemistry presented supports a Science-Technology-Society perspective.
Griswold, E. (1968). Chemical bonding and structure. New York: Raytheon Education.
One of a genre of paperback books written during the 1960s and 1970s that dealt with a single major topic usually encountered in general chemistry. Clear exposition of chemical bonding and its relationship to structure.
Pimentel, G. (Ed.). (1966). Chemistry-An experimental science. San Francisco, CA: W. H. Freeman and Co.
Some overhead transparencies are adapted from figures in this classic text.
Schulz, E. (Chair). (1983). The tangent sphere model: An analog to chemical structure. Princeton, NJ: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
A valuable collection of demonstrations, laboratory experiments, and expositions. Developed by high school chemistry teachers for high school chemistry teachers.
Woodburn, J.H. (1976). Taking things apart and putting things together. Washington: American Chemical Society.
This paperback was written for the American Chemical Society's centennial anniversary. Interesting, informative reading for high school students and the general public. Highly recommended and still available.
Chemical Bonding (BOND)
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