The Clemson College Board Chorale (for AP Chemistry) Ken Amend, Ken Piers,
Eugene Cashour, and Andy Petersen singing there original version of their untitled
song. The words are;
Verse 1
We've all come to Clemson feeling blessed,
To be called upon to read the AP test.
As John is so insistent,
We are quiet and persistent,
Cause we've all come to Clemson feeling blessed.
Verse 2
Well all sit together when we sit,
Though parts of our anatomy don't fit,
And our buns get turned to biscuit,
We would groan but dare not risk it.
Still we all sit together when we sit.
Verse 3
We all grade together when we grade,
With the rubrics that the ETS has made.
For the College Board we bubble,
Dozing off and seeing double,
Still we all grade together when we grade.
Verse 4
We are quiet and consistent don't you know,
and accurate or maybe fairly so,
For we must respect John Gelder,
As our leader and our elder.
Cause we all want a paycheck when we go.