Calculate the freezing point and the boiling point of a saturated solution of Li2CO3. The solubility of lithium carbonate is 0.72 g per 100 g of water at 100 degrees C.


We need to begin by calculating the molality of the saturated Li2CO3 solution.

We know the molality of the Li2CO3 solution, but we need to consider that Li2CO3 is a strong electrolyte. Determine the number of particles Li2CO3 forms when dissolved in water.

Li2CO3(s) -H2O--> 2Li+(aq) + CO32-(aq)

Every mol Li2CO3 that dissolves produces 3 mol of particles.

Calculate the change in freezing point;

Tfp = ikfpm

Tfp = 3 mol particles ( 1.86 degrees C m-1) 0.0974 molal

Tfp = 0.544 degrees C

Tfp = -0.544 degrees C

Calculate the Tbp and check your answe here.