Important Plug-ins to accessorize your WEB browser.
(Important Note: CIS computer does not have speakers. To hear
audio you must bring your own audio headset to the computer laboratory.)
Go to this site to obtain the latest version
of Real Network's Real Player.
Go to this site to obtain the latest version (5) of Apple's
QuickTime Player.
You will need this reader (curent version is 4.0) to download
and print copies of Problem Sets and Examinations from our Web site. The computers
in the CIS laboratories should all have this reader already installed. The
free Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF files
across all major computing platforms.
I recommend downloading the 1.0 version. The
2.0 version is still in beta testing so it may be a little
funky. Chemscape Chime allows scientists to view chemical
structures directly on an HTML page. Chime supports most of
the popular structure display formats that scientists use
including MDL Information Systems' Molfile and Rxnfile and
many of the popular 3D display formats such as the Brookhaven
Protein Databank (PDB) format (3D rendering and RasMol
scripting code courtesy of Roger Sayle.)
Shockwave is a free plug-in from MacroMedia
which lets you experience animation on the web. Many of the
animations I use in class require this plug-in to view. If
you have your own computer and can access the WEB download
this plug-in and install it. Be sure to indicate the type of
computer and the operating system when you request the