EXAMINATONS: There will be four (4) one-hour examinations on Wednesday, September 12th, Wednesday, October 17th, Wednesday, November 7th and Friday, December 14th. The comprehensive Final is scheduled for Friday, December 14, 8:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. The first three hour exams are scheduled in PS101 and PS141.

NO MAKE-UP EXAMS: Only illness, court dates, and University sponsored events are acceptable excuses for missing an exam. Forgetting the exam is NOT an excuse. Family trips, vacations, weddings, work, etc. are NOT reasons for missing an exam! You must contact Dr. Gelder in advance! In calculating your total points for the course, an excused missed one-hour exam will be replaced with your final exam percentage. Therefore, the final exam score counts twice, once for the final exam score and once for a missed hour exam. If you should miss TWO hour exams, you should see Dr. Gelder as soon as possible to discuss the situation. Make-ups will NOT be scheduled. Feeling like you are not prepared to take the exam is NOT an excuse. Suck it up and take the exam!

HOMEWORK: At least fourteen(14) problem sets will be assigned. Each problem set consists of no more than 10 problems. These will be due at the beginning of the class on the date indicated on the problem set, or announced in class. Late problem sets will NOT be accepted. If the problem set is not turned in when it is due it is late. The highest scores of fourteen (14) problem sets will contribute to your final grade in this course. Each problem set is worth 12 points. Only three representative problems will be graded on each problem set. Each graded problem will be worth three points, unless otherwise noted. The remaining three points will be awarded, on an all or nothing basis, for completing the remaining problems in the problem set. Unannounced In-class problem sets may occur at anytime during the semester.

DISCUSSION: The 50 minutes preceeding laboratory is the discussion period. This period will be used for review of questions from lecture, problem sets, or examinations. In an ideal world the questions discussed during this portion of class originate from students. In the absense of questions from students, InClass Problem Sets will be distributed for students to work on in small groups. Where appropriate answers will be provided on the ICPS. The ICPS may be graded, and may contribute directly to your grade. They are designed to focus attention on important aspects of the course content.

LABORATORY: Eleven (11) laboratory experiments will be graded. One of the laboratory experiments lasts two weeks. There will be a grade for each week of these laboratory experiments. So a total of twelve (12) laboratory experiments will be completed. The two lowest laboratory experiment scores, will be dropped. Laboratory quizzes may be given during the semester. The quiz will be worth approximately 10% of the grade for the particular experiment. Labs may be turned in at the end of the laboratory period, at the beginning of the discussion/laboratory period one week later or as indicated by your teaching assistant. Any late laboratory write-ups will be penalized 50% for the first day and 90% after the first day. If you are going to miss a laboratory, you need to make sure any laboratory write-up which may be due is turned in on time or it will be subject to the same point deduction as described above.

LABORATORY MAKE-UP: There will be NO make-ups laboratory experiments. Since two laboratory experiments can be dropped no make-ups are scheduled. I do not recommend skipping laboratory, even when two experiments will be dropped. There will be questions from laboratory included on the examinations. Missing a laboratory does not mean you are not responsible for the content. FOUR LABS MISSED ANYTIME DURING THE SEMESTER WILL RESULT IN AN "F" GRADE FOR THE COURSE!

EYE PROTECTION: State law requires approved protection over the eyes at all times in a laboratory in which an experiment is in progress. A student found without goggles/safety glasses may be asked to leave the lab.

LABORATORY CHECKOUT: If you drop the course, check your locker equipment back to the storeroom by Friday, December 7, 2001. Failure to do so will result in a $10.00 clearance fee PLUS charges for any breakage or dirty equipment that must be replaced during the cleaning procedure. Charges accumulated during the semester will also be added. The Bursar's office will receive an invoice of these charges.

GRAPHING CALCULATORS: If you have a graphing calculator you are encouraged to take advantage of its capability. Graphing calculators can greatly simplify many sophisticated mathematical relationships used in chemistry. You will be encouraged to use your graphing calculator in lecture, laboratory, and on problem sets and laboratory write-ups. If you have recently received a graphing calculator and would like to meet other students who own similar calculators please contact Dr. Gelder. An effort will be made early in the semester to get students together to help everyone learn how to use their graphing calculator most effectively. Note: Calculators with alphanumeric keyboards will NOT be allowed to be used during examinations.

WEB (intro.chem.okstate.edu): We will take advantage of the Internet/WWW to handle many administrative details associated with CHEM 1515. Additionally many resources will be available from our class web site to aid you as you study chemistry this semester. You are not required to use the WWW in our class as all of the materials will be available in class. The strength of our class web site is it will have many features that will supplement our classroom discussions. What will you need to take advantage of the resources on our web site? Minimally you need access to a computer connected to the Internet. If you do not have your own computer where you live, computers are available on campus at several locations (see our web site). To access some of the digital resources available this semester you must have a fast computer (333 MHz or faster), some memory (64 - 96 MB, probably at least 128 MB), a audio headset, and a fast internet connection (cable modem, DSL or T1 line). If you use a modem connection (56 K) on your computer it will not be able to handle the video resources. I recommend you access the video resources on campus, so bring your audio headset. IF you are using your own computer, at home or in campus, to access the video resources you will need the latest version of the Real Player and QuickTime. Additional animations will require MacroMedia's ShockWave Plug-in for Director. You will also need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view the answers to problem sets, in-class exercises and sample examinations. Check the plug-ins link on our web site to locate these resoures. All campus computers will have these accessories for your browser.


Important Date


Friday, August 24th

Last day to ADD a course

Friday, August 31st

Last day to DROP a course with no grade

Friday, November 9th

Last day to drop a course (or ALL courses) with a "W" recorded on the transcript and with advisor's signature only. After this date you must petition to withdraw from a course. Withdrawing from a course after the 13th is difficult if not impossible....be careful!

Friday, November 30th

Last day to drop from ALL courses with a "W" or "F" recorded on the transcript, with advisor's signature and Dr. Gelder's signature. Note: students who do not have 40% of the possible points at the time of dropping will receive an "F".

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT/DISHONESTY: The expectation for all students in this course is that complete integrity will be demonstrated at all time. Faculty regulations require notification of advisers, deans, etc. in the event of academic dishonesty. You should be aware that both 'taking' and 'giving' assistance during an examination constitutes academic dishonesty. The following procedure will be adopted: students who are found to copy laboratory write-ups or problem sets may receive a 0 for the laboratory portion or homework portion of the course. Copying answers on problem sets is an example of academic misconduct. Do allow another student(s) to copy your answers! Do not ask another student to copy their answers! If I believe students have copied answers I will give both students a zero for the assignment. You are welcome to work together, but write up your answers independently. Students who are caught cheating on examinations may receive an 'F' in the course. Do not use calculator memory to store information, data, or equations. If I find that occuring a zero for the examination will be assigned. In the event you are penalized for academic dishonesty, or academic misconduct, you may appeal the decision. Any appeal must begin with a discussion with Dr. Gelder. Students may obtain information regarding the proper appeal process from the Academic Appeals Board, 101 Whitehurst Hall. Students must initiate an appeal within ten days after notification by Dr. Gelder that a penalty for academic dishonesty or misconduct has been imposed.

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS: OSU is committed to serving the needs of students with disabilities. Federal Law protects individuals with disabilities and states that the University must provide appropriate academic accommodations. According to the OSRHE Task Force on the Americans with Disabilities Acts, it is the responsibility of each student with a disability to notify the University of his or her disability. If any member of this class feels he/she has a disability and needs special accommodation of any nature whatsoever, the instructor will work with you and the Office of Student Disability Services, 326 Student Union, to provide reasonable accommodation to ensure fair opportunity to perform in the class. Please advise Dr. Gelder of any disability during the first week of scheduled classes.

ATTENDANCE: While attendance will not be taken during lecture it is strongly recommended students attend all lectures. Important information regarding examinations, homework and laboratory will be announced in class. In addition insightful, stimulating discussion of chemistry concepts will occur during the lecture period. Lecture is the student's opportunity to ask questions over the material. Students are encouraged to inform Dr. Gelder when attendance in lecture is not possible. Attendance in laboratory is mandatory. Four missed laboratories will result in an "F" in the class, independent of student's performance on examinations and homework.

SCHEDULE: The lecture schedule is tentative. Depending on rate and extent of coverage the date of coverage for a particular topic may change. The order of topics will not be changed significantly. All tests will be given on the dates shown and all problem sets and laboratory reports will be due on those dates given in class.


Total Point Breakdown

Where points are from

Points possible

Your total

4 Hour Exams + 100 pt. Final



10 lab grades (a percentage of your total lab points will be multiplied by 150)



14 homework grades (a percentage of your total PS points will be multiplied by 250)



Grand Total Points



Tentative Grade Distribution

Total Earned Points


765 - 900


675 - 764


495 - 674


360 - 494


0 - 359


POSTING SCORES: Exam, problem set and laboratory scores will be posted for those students who give permission in writing to Dr. Gelder. These scores will be posted by a Secret Identification Code Number (SIC#) generated by Dr. Gelder or determined by the individual student. Students can communicate their SIC# to Dr. Gelder by completing the SIC form on the Web. You are not required to have your scores posted, however, reviewing posted scores is an excellent way to know exactly what scores Dr. Gelder is using to determine your course grade. Along with your scores Dr. Gelder will also calculate your predicted course percentage (your final grade). This calculation is only a prediction and is usually based on the assumption that your future performance will be the same as your performance up to the time the percentage is calculated and posted. Sometimes Dr. Gelder can screw this calculation up (if he is not careful), although extreme care is taken so such a possiblity is unlikely. So be careful interpreting this prediction. It is strongly recommended that you keep all of your exams, homework and laboratory write-ups so that in the event of any recording error you can support any change.

EXTRA CREDIT: Dr. Gelder does, on occasion, offer students the opportunity to earn extra credit. However, such opportunities will usually not be worth more than 1 - 5 points and will occur occasionally during the semester. No extra credit opportunities to earn significant points will be available.
