It's getting to the time of year that students are starting to think about what
they are going to do with their summer. Below is a list that has a brief blurb
about a number of the summer programs/internships/fellowships that AMSA offers
(and a couple of opps for spring 2003).
These opportunities are available to medical students in their preclinical and
Let me know if there are any questions!
Tufts/Emerson Joint Program: Health Communications 2004
American Medical Student Association/Foundation Current Summer Programs AMSA
offers internships/fellowships during the summer and throughout the year, ranging
from health policy to end of life care. These are available for preclinical
and clinical medical students, and many are open to premedical students. See
below and www.amsa.org for new opportunities.
Washington Health Policy Fellowship Program (WHPFP)
A summer program in health and social policy, specifically designed to nurture
and encourage select medical students' interest in the health policy field.
WHPFP combines an intensive orientation to the policy process, bi-weekly seminar
discussions, and a seven-week field placement in congressional offices, federal
agencies, research institutes and health advocacy organizations. A stipend is
provided to cover living expenses. www.amsa.org/about/foundation.cfm
Fellowship Program on Health Services
A seven-week summer program designed to introduce physicians-in-training to
health services management, including its relation to providing health services
to underserved populations. The program, funded by the Health Resources and
Services Administration, combines an in-depth orientation to health services
administration with weekly seminars and field placements in health care plans
and health centers in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Students will be expected
to develop and research a paper on a topic of interest to themselves and their
placement site. A stipend to cover living expenses will be provided to fellows.
End of Life Care Fellowship
In the summer of 2003, AMSA will be offering a new fellowship in End of Life
Education for fifteen selected medical students. End of Life Care fellows will
receive both experiential and theoretical training by working in hospices caring
for dying patients and their families, and participating regularly in interactive
workshops and lectures on end of life care. Fellows will also be trained as
advocates to develop, implement, and integrate end of life education into their
own medical school's curriculum. This initiative will be supported in part with
funds from HCR Manor Care Foundation. www.amsa.org/about/foundation.cfm
Primary Care Leadership Training Program (LTP)
This week long summer program is designed to enhance the leadership skills of
outstanding students and educate them about the wide range of career opportunities
in primary care. Twenty students from across the country, nominated and sponsored
by their dean, will be selected by AMSA to participate in the program. Program
will take place in summer of 2003 dates have yet to be chosen. www.amsa.org/about/foundation.cfm
Jack Rutledge Universal Health Care Internship
AMSA's Jack Rutledge Fellow works full-time on this issue, which has been a
strategic priority of AMSA for nearly its entire existence. We need enthusiastic
students willing to assist with an online curriculum project, related research,
and various grassroots activities, including the development of a broad health
professional student coalition in support of universal health care. Interns
gain valuable policy and grassroots-organizing experience. Internships are 4-8
weeks in length and available year-round, including the summer months. Academic
credit can be arranged with your home institution. Contact JRF@www.amsa.org
for more information.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Training Program
This week-long workshop will take place at the Omega Institute for Holistic
Studies during summer 2003. Twenty spots for medical school students. For more
information e-mail sturner@www.amsa.org. AMSA Programming Internship (open dates)
Interns will work closely with the Director of Student Programming
on everything from aspects of annual convention and fall conference planning
to project design and updating AMSA web resources. Email the DSP at dsp@www.amsa.org
for the list of projects currently available for an intern's participation.
The AMSA Health Policy Internship
For students interested in health care, public affairs, policy, and politics,
AMSA is offering an internship at AMSA's national headquarters near Washington,
D.C. Interns will work with AMSA's Legislative Affairs Director, assisting in
the everyday business of AMSA's Legislative Branch, which may include lobbying
on Capitol Hill, attending coalition strategy meetings, researching current
topics, drafting policy statements, and organizing briefings. No previous policy
or political experience is necessary. Electives are 4-8 weeks in length and
available year-round, including the summer months. Academic credit can be arranged
with your home institution.
The AMSA Health Policy Internship
A number of paid, 4-6 week long internships are available to students in CAM
research, methodology, and educational models. In
addition to enhancing research skills, interns will work with fellow AMSA pioneers,
learn about curriculum reform, and be housed near Washington D.C for weekend
exploration and fun. The start dates are flexible and positions are available
2002-2003. Write the project director at sturner@www.amsa.org for more information.
Health Policy Leadership Institute
The one-week Health Policy Leadership Institute is designed to provide tomorrow's
physicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to shape the evolving U.S.
health care system. http://www.lonepear.com/
National Primary Care Week 2003 paid student coordinator and intern
A student coordinator is needed to work from home in assisting national AMSA
staff in coordinating the national initiative. A student intern is needed to
assist national AMSA staff with the daily tasks required to manage NPCW and
to provide technical assistance to local NPCW leaders. Housing is provided.
For more information on these opportunities email Veronica Kennedy at
Opportunities for Spring 2003
Community and Public Health Institute (CPHI) The CPHI is a one weekend training
session which offers medical students the opportunity to meet public health
leaders, learn basic concepts in public health, and to gain in depth skills
in project development. Each student is required to submit a project idea as
part of their application, and they will spend much of the weekend developing
that idea. One weekend in April 2003. Contact Moneera Haque, AMSA Community/Public
Health Action Committee Chair at mhaque@kumc.edu
Paul Ambrose Political Leadership Institute
This weekend-long institute is held at the AMSA National Office in Reston, VA.
The PLI aims to impart an understanding of the relationship between the political
process and the health of the country and to empower medical students to act
within that sphere. Participants work in small groups on a particular health
policy topic, and will work with professionals in the field of health policy
as they present their strategies for change in the legislative arena. Jan 1st
Feb 2nd, 2003. Applications must be received by Dec. 18th, only one application
allowed per chapter. http://www.amsa.org/hp/hpli.cfm