Comments on ICE#2
Like ICE#1 I do not expect you to complete all of the questions on this InClass
Exercise. Do as many as you can, and ask a neighbor or your TA if you have questions.
The last two questions are over material I've not discussed yet. If you can
do some of the last two questions (ICE 7 and 8) great, if not do not worry about.
If you print this ICE off early you do not need to do the questions before
you come to laboratory this week. In fact I'd rather you did not. My goal in
doing the InClass Exercises is to give you the opportunity to meet other students,
and your TA and to work together. I also want to use all the time in laboratory,
I have this problem about students leaving laboratory early...I know, I'm working
on it.
Students in the 1:30 pm CHEM 1314 start doing laboratory this week and will
not have time to do ICE#2 during laboratory. Students in the 1:30 pm section
are welcome to print this ICE out, but you do NOT have to turn it in. Use it
to prepare for Exam #1. Answers will be posted next weekend.