Check your you agree? Great if you do. If you do not check the Solution: below the table to see how the molar mass of Mo is determined.

The next answer is the number of grams of the sample. Try to determine the value before clicking on the link.


M , Molar Mass


mass of sample


n, number of

moles of sample

N, number of atoms,

molecules or formula units



2nd answer




To determine the molar mass of Mo we just need to look up its atomic mass in the periodic table. The atomic mass is;

Mo 95.9 u

Just remember to express the molar mass we replace the unit 'u' with the units grams­mol-1. So the molar mass of molybdenum is 95.9 g­mol-1. This is read as 1 mol of molybdenum weighs 95.9 g.