Grade Information

Fall 1998

Your scores which are available through the A&S Assessment Database Application for laboratory and problem sets have been adjusted so the total percentage which is calculated on the page reflects your current status in the course.

The adjustments were made in the following way;

Problem Sets:

Your score for a particular problem set * 1.19 = the score displayed on the A&SDA.


Your score for a particular laboratory * 1.333 = the score displayed on the A&SDA.

To obtain the score which has been written on your PS or lab simply divide the score displayed on the A&SDA by 1.19 (for a PS) or 1.333 (for a lab). This way you can check to be sure all your scores are recorded correctly in my grade spreadsheet. If you detect any errors please have your teaching assistant inform me as soon as possible so I can correct the error. It must be your TA telling me to change the grade.

Go to the A&S Database Application to see your grade. Remember you must know your OSU ID# and your IDS password. If you encounter any problems logging on because of your password you may have to contact the CIS HelpDesk. Any other problems contact Dr. Gelder.