Grade Information

Fall 1998

OK we are moving to Plan B for displaying grades. Plan B is favored by almost two votes for every one vote for the A&S Database Application. I will try to keep both current, but the Plan B mode will be the MOST current as it will be easier to make individual corrections to your grades.

So how does Plan B work? The key is the Secret Identification Code number which you will get from your TA in laboratory this week. If you get the SID # from your TA you are giving me permission to display your grades (by the SID#) on our Web Page. If you lose your SID# check with your TA. The display would look something like this;

SID# HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4 HW5 HW6 LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 EX1 EX2 Course %
11111 8 10 10 11 8 7 13 8 12 14 15 75 80 78 %

The SID#'s will be listed in numerical order so all you have to do is scroll to your number and read across for each score. The scores displayed on the Grades Page represent the official scores which I will use for final grade determination. The Course % entry represent your current percentage in the course, and what grade you would receive. Remember A's (85%), B's (75%), C's (55%), and D's (40%). You need to double check all scores to be sure I do not have an incorrect score. If you find an error please contact your TA. To correct an error you must provide the TA with the original work so your TA can verify the mistake. At the very top of the list I will include the average score for each homework (HW), laboratory (LB) and exam (EX) and the course % average. Ideally I would like at 65% for the course average.

Unlike the A&S Grades the scores displayed in Plan B are your actual scores (for homework and laboratory). The weighting factor has been used when the Course % is calculated. If you want to double check my numbers the Course % is calculated the following way;

Homework: (Sum of student scores/Total possible)*200 = HW #

Laboratory:: (Sum of student scores/Total possible)*200 = LB #

Exams: (Sum of student scores/Total possible)*500 = EX #

Course %: (SUM HW # + LB # + EX #)/900

For student 11111 these values are;

Homework: (54/72)*200 = HW # = 150

Laboratory:: (62/75)*200 = LB # = 165.3

Exams: (155/200)*500 = EX # = 387.5

Course %: (150 + 165.3 + 387.5)/900 = 78.1%

Please be sure to double check my calculations. Sometime I can make an error in the spreadsheet calculation which may mean your percentage could be off. I try to double...triple check my calculations before posting but sometime I do make mistakes. I strongly recommend you double check (see example above) the calculation based on your scores. If you have any questions please contact me.

Click on the links below to access your grades;

Exam III Grades

Exam IV and Final Grades

Grades (by SID#) as of December 6, 1998 (NOTE: Section 21 is missing EXP 8 so I could not calculate grades based on dropping the two labs yet for that section ONLY.)

1 - 26509

25581 - 56893

56987 - 99727

A&S Database Application


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