CHEM 1014

Fall 1999

Assignment #1

Outside of Class

Due: Thursday, September 9, 1999 at the beginning of class.

I'd like you to write a one page description of something in your area of interest (major) which involves chemistry, or chemicals. I'd like you to provide some brief information about what your major is and what interests you have. Then I'd like you to discuss some chemistry related issue you find interesting. Discuss some of the features of this issue that a knowledge of chemistry could help you better understand. What are some chemical concepts or ideas you think you need to know more about to really understand the `chemistry'. If your major has nothing to do with anything relaed to chemistry (you are welcome to check with me) then consider a chemistry topic that you are interested in and write about that.

You need to think about this and you are welcome to e-mail me or stop by if you would like to discuss some ideas. I recommend using the Web to do some searching. There are many locations which contain information which will assist you in developing your thoughts. I do not think it will take too long to write the `paper', however it will take some time to focus in on what you want to write about and to do some preliminary exploration to find information.


I want you to prepare this `paper' using a word processor and save it on a diskette, or your home computer. I want you to do this because you will come back to this assignment to expand and develop it during the semester. I also have in mind developing a link on our\ 1014 web site which everyone's project can be placed so you could access your project on the web. If you have your paper in an electronic form, it will be easier to generate the web page(s).