In this animation the interaction between two water molecules will be shown. Click the mouse to start the animation. The water molecules will move to the center of the animation and pause. Begin answering the questions after the molecules stop moving.

Important do not press the enter key or the Return key while you are answering these questions. Your Browser will interpret either key the same as clicking the mouse on the Submit button. So BE CAREFUL!

Give me some responses to the questions below and I'll give you some extra credit.


Laboratory Section:

1. There are two water molecules shown in the center of the animation, indicate which atom(s) is oxygen and which atom(s) is hydrogen. The two colors of atoms I see are bluish-green and red. (Click the mouse to continue after answering this question to resume the animation.)

2. The next time the animation pauses, indicate the partial charge (positive or negative) on each atom in the two water molecules. Use the numbered atoms to help with labeling. Do not forget which atom is hydrogen and which is oxygen. Anwer Question 3 before resuming the animation.

3. Explain how you arrived as the partial charge assignment you used in Question #2. (Resume the animation after answering this question.)

4. Using the numbers identify the atoms likely to participate in the hydrogen-bonding intermolecular attractive force.

5. If there were three molecules of water in the frame where (which atoms) would another hydrogen-bonding interaction form.

6. Is there anything about this animation that you feel you do not understand? List your concerns/questions.