This is Problem Set #16, the last problem set for the Fall 2001 semester. The questions below address the class web site and some of the new things I did in CHEM 1515 this semester. Your constructive comments are greatly appreciated. For completing this questionnaire I will give you 12 points for PS16. Please answer all the questions as best you can, based on your experience.

Thank you very much.

Your comments along with the ddata I have gathered this semester from the PLE's and Web Experiment will help me for the Spring 2002 Semester class I will teach.

Answering all the question may take 20 minutes or so.

Important do not press the enter key or the Return key while you are answering these questions. Your Browser will interpret either key the same as clicking the mouse on the Submit button. So BE CAREFUL!

Give me some responses to the questions below and I'll give you some extra credit.


Laboratory Section:


1. How many PLE's did you do this semester?

2. What was the average amount of time you sent on a PLE? minutes

3. How much more time would be willing to spend doing PLE's? minutes

4. Would you prefer doing the PLE's using paper and pencil, or over the Web?

5. Some of the PLE's had animations, some did not. Do you have a preference? Why?

6. How did the PLE's help you? (Studying? In lecture? On problem Sets? Exams?)

7. Would you spend an equal amount of time following lecture answering questions of a similar nature? Why or why not.

CHEM 1515 Web Site

8. How often did you access the CHEM 1515 web site? (Indicate if the number is per day, per week, per whatever)

9. What were the more useful features of the CHEM 1515 web site? (Notes, What's Important, Exams, PLEs, Digital lectures, Problem Sets, Announcements, etc.)

10. What were the least useful features?

11. Are there features missing that should be included?

12. How would you compare the CHEM 1515 Web Site to the web sites of other courses you have taken at OSU or elsewhere?

Web Laboratory experiment

13. We did one laboratory experiment on the Web this semester, would you do more? explain

14. The Activities of Metals web experiment introduced you to some ideas that were not discussed in lecture. Do you think that you understood the basic ideas of the experiment? Would covering this material in lecture, instead of as an experiment have been more valuable to you? Explain.

15. Do you think it would be worthwhile developing additional web experiments of this type for use in CHEM 1515?

16. Would you do short mini-experiments (in the form of a PLE) on the Web as a basis for a discussion in lecture. (For example, if we use the Activities of Metals as an example......A student would do one of the Activities, and then in class students would form groups of 4 and each student would bring some data to the group and as a group you would answer some questions that required some collaboration.)

Digital lectures

17. Did you use the digital lectures? Why or why not?

18. Did you use the digital Help Sessions? Why or why not?

Problem Solvings/Set/Tutorials

19. How useful did you find the Problem Sets?

20. Would you use a Problem Tutorial feature over the Web? (This Problem Tutorial feature would consist of a randomly generated problem, similar to a problem set problem, that gave you each of the following options;

seeing the problem worked out;

interacting with the computer to solve the problem;

just typing in an answer and the computer checking whether it is correct or not.

Miscellaneous Questions

21. What would you think of a personal web page feature for the CHEM 1515 Web site? What kinds of things would you like a personal web page to do you?

22. There were several times this semester that time was taken in lecture to have you work in small groups to solve a problem that was being discussed. Did you think such time was well spent? Explain.

23. What would be some words of advice (that you might like to have heard before you started this course) that you would share with a student who was considering taking CHEM 1515 in the Spring 2002 Semester from Dr. G.

24. Briefly comment about how you feel about the World Wide Web as an educational resource.

25. Do you have any other comments you would like to provide about the course, web site or any other aspect of CHEM 1515 this Fall?