In this PLE we are going to investigate equilibrium reactions. (NOTE: If you can not answer a question below enter CNA.)

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Give me some responses to the questions below and I'll give you some extra credit.


Laboratory Section:

1. What do the letters ICE stand for in an 'ICE' Table?

2. If we know the initial concentrations of all species in an equilibrium reaction what is the minimium amount of information required to determine all of the concentrations of the species at equilibrium? Note Use CNA if you are not sure.

3. In which row (I, C or E) is the stiochiometry of the balanced chemical equation essential for completing the entries?

4. Explain the difference between Q and K.

5. Consider the reaction between H2 and I2.

H2(g) + I2(g) ---> 2HI(g)

with the initial concentrations as shown in the table below.






0.200 M

0.300 M




If we assume 'x' is the amount of H2 reacting, complete the table.

6. Is there anything about the reaction or the questions that you feel you do not understand? List your concerns/questions.