An Introduction to Calorimetry and the First Law of Thermodynamics

This set of BCEs/DCIs and ACAs cover content from Unit 6 Topics 6.4 (Heat Capacity and Calorimetry) and Unit 6 Topic 6.6 (Introduction to Enthalpy of Reaction). NOTE: Following our workshop on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 I will modify permissions so you can download your copy of all of the Google forms and Google slides.

Type of Activity Type of file Link Description
Before Class Exploration Google Form BCE14 This BCE ask emerging questions about the relationship(s) between heat, mass and change in temperature. These questions are appropriate for students prior to any discussion about heat.
Before Class Exploration Responses Google Sheet link to a Google Sheet for BCE14 This Google Sheet contains the Expert's Response to the questions in BCE14
During Class Invention Google Slide DCI14 This is a student activity that covers heat, mass, and change in temperature in a more quantitative way compared to the BCE. The goal of this activity is to invent the relationship between heat, mass, and change in temperature and to learn to use the relationship in calculations. This activity also includes some first law of thermodynamics mathematical connections.
During Class Invention Responses pdf DCI14 Activity with Answers The Expert answers to DCI14.
After Class Application Google Form ACA16 This ACA students watch a video experiment and collect data to answer questions use the relationship between heat, mass, specific heat and change in temperature.
After Class Application Responses Google Sheet ACA16 Answer This Google Sheet contains the Expert's Response to the questions in ACA16.
During Class Invention Google Slide DCI15 This Google Slide student activity applies the mathematical relationship q = m·c·∆T.
During Class Invention Responses Google Slide DCI15 Answer This Google Slide contains the Expert's Responses to the questions in DCI15.
After Class Application Google Form ACA17 In this ACA students practice answering different types of questions using the relationship between heat, mass, specific heat and change in temperature.
After Class Application Responses Google Sheet ACA17 Answer This Google Sheet contains the Expert's Response to the questions in ACA16.
Before Class Exploration Google Slide BCE16 In this BCE students can setup an experiment using an HTML5 simulation of a calorimeter to determine the heat released when 1 mol of NaOH dissolves in water.
Before Class Exploration Google SlideBCE16 Responses This Google Slide(s) contain the responses for BCE16.