Gas Law Activity Introductory Information


There are three important regions that require some discussion.

The Gas Sample Region has the most activity. It is a container with a plunger. To explore the behavior of the gas sample you can change the variables located in the Control Bar Region.

The Control Bar Region shows five scrollbars bars, one for pressure (in units of atmospheres), one for volume (in units of liters), two for mol of gas (one for He gas and the other for Ne gas), and one for temperature (in units of Kelvins). To the left of each scrollbar is a radio button. When selected, that particular variable(called the dependent variable) is calculated based on the value of the other four variables. In the default mode the pressure scrollbar's radio button is selected so the pressure of the gas sample is being calculated. As a simple exploration try moving each of the scrollbars and observe the effect on the gas sample. These effects will be addressed in more detail in this experiment. You can click the mouse on the Reset button located below the temperature scrollbar to return to the original conditions. The Pause button will suspend the motion in the gas sample while the Enable Tracking button will turn the red tracking line on and off. Below the Pause Button is a fourth button different from the previous three in that it is a dropdown button. Clicking and holding the mouse button will reveal three choices: velocity (default); Relations (graphing); and Help. The default mode is Velocities.

The Velocity Distribution Region shows a plot of the velocity distribution in the gas sample. Observe the behavior of this region while changing each of the variables in the Control Bar Region. The Relations view reveals an xy graph with a popup menu on each axis. Selecting the popup menu on either axis provides a list of the variables shown in the Control Bar Region. The two buttons, Enable and Multiple are used when plotting pairs of variables. For example, in Figure II pressure has been selected on the y-axis and 1/volume is selected on the x-axis.

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