Synthesis Reactions

These reactions typically involve the direct combination of elements, or compounds.


Metal and a nonmetal;

Fairly predictable based on the periodic table, but watch out for alkali metals and oxygen reactions.

Nonmetal and a nonmetal;

Fairly predictable using ones chemical inituition for common covalent compounds. But these kinds of reactions can get complicated very quickly. I would use my common knowledge of know stable binary compounds of nonmetals; H2O, CO2, NO2, SO2, PCl3, NH3, HX (X is a halogen), P4O6 or P4O10.


Metal oxide and a nonmetal oxide

Some examples include;

MO + CO2 ----> MCO3

MO + SO2 ----> MSO3

MO + SO3 ----> MSO4

Metal hydroxide and a nometal oxide

Some examples include;

OH- + CO2 ----> CO32-

OH- + SO2 ----> SO32-

Typically the metal hydroxide is soluble as well as the carbonate or sulfite formed...i'.e., Group IA elements.

Lewis acid base reaction

Some examples include;

Al(OH)3 + OH- ----> Al(OH)4-

NH3 + BH3 ----> H3N:BH3

4NH3 + Cu2+ ----> Cu(NH3)42+