PART FIVE: Slime-A Crosslinking Polymer

Dispense about 50 mLs of the polyvinyl alcohol solution into a 250 mL beaker. Use the graduated marks on the side of the beaker to approximate the 50 mLs. If your beaker is not graduated check with another student to see the height you will need. Polyvinyl alcohol is not hazardous to contact.

Pour 5 mL of the borax solution into your 10 mL graduate cylinder. Again this is an approximate volume. If you get a little more or a little less volume do not worry. Oh, you poured 10 mLs! biggy, just do not pour the excess back into the reagent bottle. That is a big no no. Remember the Safety video? Share the excess with another student.

Do you have a favorite color? Add a few drops of food coloring to the polyvinyl alcohol solution to get the desired color and stir the color in.

OK, now pour the borax solution into the polyvinyl alcohol solution. While you pour stir. Pour all the borax in, set the graduate cylinder aside (do not forget to wash it out) and stir the mixture.

What is happening?

Take the stuff out of the beaker, how does it feel?

Accch choo...oh, man, gross!

Find a ziplock bag and take the slime home, show a friend, isn't chemistry cool!?